My Amerasian identity Japanese Amerasians
AmerasianWorld started as a website to focus on Amerasians
I am a Japanese Amerasian. I am the son of an American father and a Japanese mother. Being mixed Asian is a reason why I named the site, AmerasianWorld. It started out as my personal website to tell the story of my experiences in Central Asia. By 2003, it started to focus on Amerasian issues.
Origin of Salaam Central Asia
Salaam Central Asia was just the website name of the Muslim host I got for free. The web host asked me to choose a username, I chose salaamcentralasia. I never had a website before so it was nice to be able to upload my Central Asian photos. I kept Salaam Central Asia running until 2003. I registered then and transferred my website to the new site. My grade 6 Kazakh students became my trademark logo for the site.
I did not make many changes to It was the original website. Since I added Amerasian as my domain name, I decided to add some Amerasian content. By the summer of 2003, started received inquires from those interested in Amerasians including US Veterans.

I will add more pictures of my trips to Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore.