The most beautiful parts of Kyrgyzstan
Naryn, Kochkor and At-Bashy, Kyrgyzstan
If you like mountain road trips, visit Naryn.
ACCELS Kyrgyzstan
is one of the best assignments for a Program Recruiter I love
Osh, but the road trips to the Naryn region were the favorite part of
my recruiting trips. You get to see many different types of
mountains even after 30 minutes. Naryn is a beautiful town
surrounded by mountains. At-Bashy and the Tien Shan Mountains are
Road trip to Naryn
On the way we met this Kyrgyz man who allowed us to take a
picture of him on his horse.
On this trip, I was escorting an American teacher, so we made a
lot of photo stops. This guy approached us after the teacher
wanted to take a picture of the Muslim cemetery.
Winter was here already. You can see patches of snow in the
So many different types of hills and mountains.
First time I saw Kyrgyz kids riding a donkey with a full load.
Not a volcano.
We wanted to stop over in Kochkor since Erika, one of the
participants, came from Kochkor. We did not have the time on
each trip.
Dolon Pass
Here is our faithful driver, Vlodya. He took us around most of
northern Kyrgyzstan. I miss him since we never said goodbye. He
got into an accident a couple of days before I left Kyrgyzstan.
These cute Kyrgyz kids posed for us on Dolon Pass.
It was cold up here.
Here is Vlodya, the American teacher I was escorting, and I
together on Dolon Pass.
As you will see, Naryn is located in between the Naryn Too. The
Naryn River runs right through the town. Naryn is a poor town.
We stayed at the Celestial Mountain Inn, the only place where we
could get a meal.
Naryn Mosque
We stopped by the Naryn Mosque. Several Kyrgyz boys offered to
be my tour guides. They took me up in the minaret where I got a
good view of Naryn.
My tour guides.View of Naryn from the minaret.
The famous Naryn River becomes a confluence for the Syr Darya in
I never crossed this bridge over the Naryn River.
The Naryn Too on our way to At-Bashy was amazing.
This sign is of President Akayev, the president of Kyrgyzstan. I
am not sure why it was there.
Here is a view of At-Bashy with the Tien Shan Mountains in the
background on our arrival.
More Tien Shan Mountains.More pictures of At-Bashy.
Here are my final shots of the Tien Shan Mountains. I wanted to
go to Kashgar. Unfortunately, we had no time. We needed to head
back to Naryn.
As you can tell by the photos, this was my favorite part of my job
in Kyrgyzstan.